About Us

Civil and Structural Engineers


Vstruct is a proud member of the following professional organisations:
E.C.S.A Engineering Council of South Africa
S.A.I.S.C South African Institute of Steel Construction (application in process)

Company Data

Principal Member – Graeme Vermeulen
Shareholding – 100%
Company Registration Number – CK 1997/022243/23
V.A.T No. 4460121330
Tax No. 944/0218/84/1
Professional Insurance reference – 08/1956SP/8

Click here to view our BEE Certificate


Vstruct has emerged from a wealth of civil and structural engineering experience stretching as far back as 1953.

Robert Leslie and Partners is founded in Cape Town, specialising in civil and building projects including the Cape Town harbour.

Leslie joins Ward and others to form Leslie, Ward and Partners in Johannesburg. Projects include the design of the Johannesburg International Airport main control tower.

A separate practice, Wilson‐Taylor Associates, is founded in Johannesburg.

The two practices merge, forming Leslie, Ward, Wilson‐Taylor.

Graeme Vermeulen is promoted to partner at Leslie, Ward, Wilson‐Taylor.

A new era begins. With the founding partners having either retired or resigned, the practice requires a new name and vision for the future. Vstruct is born, with Graeme Vermeulen as 100% shareholder. Graeme holds a B:Tech:Eng:Civil(Struct) from the University of Johannesburg and is a registered professional.

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